The Pwnies Production Team

The most highly anticipated security event of the year involves a bit of work from some extraordinary volunteers. We greatly appreciate the work these individuals put in to make this highly revered and celebrated event possible.

Ian Roos and Sophia d’Antoine, Organizers

Ian’s LinkedIn

Sophia’s LinkedIn

Mark Trumpbour, Partner Relationship

A.K.A. “executor of partner relations… and major pwnage.” EOPRAMP for short. A very simple acronym. Clearly invented by a computer scientist. A true tribute to many other well named protocols, routines, and programs.

Mark’s LinkedIn

Milly Kwok, Technology

Dino Dai Zovi, Founder

The vision.

Dino’s LinkedIn

Nominations Review and Technology Support

E.V.M Gabriel
Negreira Barbosa 
Zach Lanier
Dan Bolognino DhirajBuherátor
JoernchenAli MirheidariIan & Sophia