2012 Pwnie Award Nominees
Best Client-Side Bug
Flash BitmapData.histogram() Info Leak (CVE 2012-0769)
MS11-087: Unspecified win32k.sys TrueType font parsing engine vulnerability (CVE 2011-3402)
Sergey Glazunov’s Pwnium Exploit
iOS Code Signing Bypass (CVE 2011-3442)
Best Privilege Escalation Bug
MS11-098: Windows Kernel Exception Handler Vulnerability (CVE-2011-2018)
VMware High-Bandwidth Backdoor ROM Overwrite Privilege Elevation (CVE-2012-1515)
Xen Intel x64 SYSRET Privilege Escalation (CVE-2012-0217)
iOS HFS Catalog File Integer Underflow (CVE-2012-0642)
Best Server-Side Bug
“Are we there yet?” MySQL Authentication Bypass (CVE-2012-2122)
ProFTPD Response Pool Use-after-Free (CVE-2011-4130)
TNS Poison Attack (CVE-2012-1675)
Best Song
Epic 0wnage
“Flame” Windows Update MD5 Collision Attack
Most Epic Fail
LinkedIn Breach of 6 Million Password Hashes
Most Innovative Research
Comprehensive Experimental Analyses of Automotive Attack Surface
Injecting Custom Payloads Into Signed Windows Executables
Packets in Packets: Orson Welles’ In-Band Signaling Attacks for Modern Radios