The 2022 Pwnie Nominee For Best Cryptographic Attack

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While cryptocurrency doesn’t have good reputation in general, the truth is *some good* cryptocurrency projects use the most advanced cryptographic protocols in the world. The *practical* attacks vectors against them were not fully understood.
Quan Thoi Minh Nguyen presented 2 talks at Black Hat USA 2021, Black Hat ASIA 2022 using 0-related bugs to exploit different protocols including BLS signature, BLS-aggregate signatures and C++ zero-knowledge proof PLONK. All the reported bugs were in the scope of vendors’ bug bounty program:

1/ ​​—the-funniest-number-in-cryptography-228901625065256 (article (reward $39,300) high-light: “splitting zero” attack to show that conventional wisdom wasn’t correct because the attacker can split 0 key into multiple parts whose sum is 0 making detecting them infeasible computational-wise.
2/ (article (reward $15000): critical bugs in C++ zero-knowledge proof PLONK + ECDSA